Turkey on 10-12 October, 2019, organized by Osmangazi University.

The indigenous knowledge which is the result of datum and experience collection of local folks and societies in successive generations is a valuable body that should be considered for getting to sustainable development.
Recently the perpetual cooperation of indigenous knowledge and modern academic knowledge has been considered by researchers,managers and plan makers of countries,for comprehensive advancement of human beings,as well as food supply,welfare and security.
Nowadays,ecosystem disruption and extinction of the important biological species is one of the main problems of the world. Unfortunately human being is the main agent of such destruction,whereas his life is completely dependent on this unique biosphere.
To save the earth from such a vast ruin which itself guarantees human’s survive,we’d better make use of academic modern sciences and indigenous knowledge.
The aims of convening international conference on the traditional knowledge for conservation of biodiversity are to attract worldwide attention to such a phenomenon,to collect indigenous data and sciences from different parts of the world,and to study its influence on conservation of biodiversity. These indigenous sciences in cases have protected the important and valuable species,and in some other cases have led to their extinction.
Hereby we request the pleasure of all researchers’ presence and those who are interested to participate in this conference.
We hope by your presence and by presenting the results of the related researches,regarding indigenous science we take a small step forward for protecting biodiversity.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Yaghoobi
Conference chairman
Source: Website