2020 World Congress On Integration And Islamicisation: Mental Health And Well Being In The 4th Industrial Revolution

Conference Objectives:
To provide a platform for researchers, scientists and academicians to share their research findings describing traditional and latest applications and practices of medical and health sciences, and the role of moral values and Maqasid al-Shari’ah in harm reduction and sustainable wellbeing in this field.
To identify research avenues in healthy lives and wellbeing for all at all ages; a research that is a multi-disciplinary in nature; that combines scientific research findings in natural sciences and healthcare practices with legal, ethical and religious values.
To highlight the approaches and methods of integration between natural and health sciences disciplines and subjects of Islamic Revealed Knowledge to achieve sustainable health and wellbeing.
The conference covers, but not limited to, the subjects of the following fields and topics:
Philosophical and moral concerns about the advancements in natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, and etc).
Incorporating ethical values and principles of maqasid al-shari’ah into medical and healthcare sciences.
The impact of advancements in the fields of information communication technology and media on mental health.
Human intellect VS artificial intelligence: are we risking (diminishing) or boosting the functions and the stability of the human intellect?
The place/state of human psyche and mind in the age of post-material sciences: is post-material sciences approach a challenge to mental health.
How technological advances in the fields of biomedicine and biotechnology are helping therapies to treat neurological and mental disorders
Islamic approach to mental health and the Qur’anic concepts of al-nafs al-mutma’inah (satisfied soul), al-itmi’nan al-qalb (happy heart), ridha al-nafs (happiness).
Methods and approaches of realizing Divine ideals (qiyam al-wahy) in addiction medicine.
Applications of harm reduction principles of Islamic jurisprudence and law in :
Nursing and health care practices.
Prevention of birth defects and childhood adversity
Psychological adversity in childless couple
Sexuality, gender issue, communicable diseases and complication.
Aesthetic medicine and the ethics of surgical operations including reconstructive surgery.
Clinical researches that involve human subjects and issues of human dignity and human rights.
Providing palliative and end life care, and spiritual care from the Islamic perspective.
Prevention and management of psychiatric and mental health disorders
Genetic studies and related interventions
Medical profession and the practices of intentionally ending a life from Islamic perspective.
Role of Non-Governmental Organisations, baitulmal and other government agencies in medical and healthcare.
Resilience in young population
Islamic principles of family health and parenting
Islamic world view on preservation of environment and natural resources for health development
The roles of law and regulations in harm reduction in the fields of medicine and healthcare.
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