The Meaning of Life
An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference
The aim of this inclusive interdisciplinary conference and collaborative networking event is to bring people together and encourage creative conversations in the context of a variety of formats: papers, seminars, workshops, storytelling, performances, poster presentations, panels, q&a’s, round-tables etc. Creative responses to the subject, such as poetry/prose, short film screenings/original drama, installations and alternative presentation styles that engage the audience and foster debate are particularly encouraged. Please feel free to put forward proposals that you think will get the message across, in whatever form.
Key Topics:
The conference offers a springboard for participants from diverse disciplines, professions, practices and walks of life to engage in interdisciplinary dialogues on topics that include, are not limited to:
- spiritual/religious/philosophical perspectives: ethics, morality, faith and meaningful life (and afterlife)
- beliefs about the meaning of life across historical periods and cultures
- impact of suffering and fear on attitudes about the meaning of life
- death, suicide and the limits of meaning in life
- role of education in shaping beliefs about the meaning of life and how to live a meaningful life
- the relationship between happiness and the meaning of life
- strategies for finding meaning in life: activism, creativity, work-life balance, mediation, family, friends, etc.
- health, wellness and the meaning of life
- impact of film, television, social media, news, music, literature and the arts on meaning of life
- the natural world and the meaning of life: nature and animals as source of meaning, impact of climate change/devastation on sense of meaning, etc.
- best practice in occupations concerned with helping people live meaningful lives (clinicians, life coaches, therapists, clergy, ethicists, etc.)
- material goods and the meaningful life
- socio-political and economic influences on beliefs about life's meaning and being able to lead a meaningful life
- factors that limit our inclination or ability to question the meaning of life
- relationship between cultural values and the meaning of life
Calendar of time-lines and deadlines:
Friday 8th November 2019
Abstract/Presentation submission
Friday 22nd November 2019
Acceptance/Rejection notification
Friday 13th December 2019
Booking Form Submissions
by Friday 10th January 2020
Circulation of Draft Programme
Invoices issued
Friday 7th February 2020
Final date for payment
Friday 21st February 2020
Circulation of Revised Programme
Full draft of presentation to be submitted
Monday 9th March 2020
Final programme to printing
Source: Website