7th Johannesburg International Conference on Education, Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (EEHSS-19)
November 18-19, 2019 Johannesburg, South Africa- Best ORAL Paper Awards (One from each oral Session) - Best POSTER Presentation Award (One from each Poster Session) - Best CONFERENCE PAPER Award - Oral / Poster / Virtual Presentations are Possible - Submit / Publish Full Paper / Poster / ONLY Abstract (Get acceptance with Abstract also) SUBMISSION METHOD Email Full Paper/Poster/Abstract on Email Address: cs@earhm.org TOPICS EDUCATION - Distance Education - E-learning - Higher Education - Lifelong Learning - Teaching and Learning SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES - Anthropology - Art History - Arts - English - History - Information science - Interdisciplinary studies - Islamic Studies - Language - Linguistics - Literature - Local Government - Multidisciplinary Studies - Museums and heritage - Music - Occupational Science - Philosophy - Poetry - Politics - Psychology Religious studies - Social Sciences - Sociology BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS - Advertising - Banking and finance - Business - Business Ethicsc - E-commerce - Economics - Human Resources - Management - Marketing Original Sources: Website